My cherished memories of Year 2012 is experiencing the vibrant Kavad Yatra in Delhi NCR during the auspicious Sawan month. Witnessing this spiritual journey firsthand, I was deeply moved by the selfless dedication of local communities who set up pandals to offer food, shelter, and support to Shiva devotees, or “Bholas,” on their sacred pilgrimage to fetch holy water from the Ganges. This visual co-captured with Aabhinav Aaghori during our night stay at pandal of GovindPuri, narrates the essence of cultural unity and devotion, making it an unforgettable chapter in my Delhi days, blending spirituality and humanity seamlessly.
The photographs beautifully depict the electrifying atmosphere—Bholas dancing joyfully to devotional songs, the bustling energy of the pandals, and the serene moments of faith.
#Year2012 #KavadYatra #Bhola #Devotion #ReligiousSpirit #NCR #NewDelhi #Govindpuri
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