Home ยป AskDushyant Video Listing ยป Beat this Snoring if you can, Train journey how annoying and irritating Yr 2013 #askdushyant

Beat this Snoring if you can, Train journey how annoying and irritating Yr 2013 #askdushyant


Beat this snoring so much annoying during my Train trip to Lucknow in 3rd AC, could not sleep that had to put my head phone and start bollywood songs so that i can sleep, but couldn't do so so much annoyingExplore further my Tech, Memoir, Social & Thoughtful life experience blog at https://www.NextStruggle.com On Telegram connect: @NextStruggleBot https://t.me/NextStruggleBot โ€“ Your direct line to #AskDushyant #NextStruggle

Published At:

December 22, 2013, 7:30 am


Lucknow (City/Town/Village), snor, snoring, annoying, irritating, AskDushyant, NextStruggle, www.nextstruggle.com, Dushyant Gadewal, Memoir, India

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