Home » AskDushyant Video Listing » Navigating Chaos: Waterlogged Greenwood City in Gurgaon after Two Hours of Rain Yr 2012 #askdushyant

Navigating Chaos: Waterlogged Greenwood City in Gurgaon after Two Hours of Rain Yr 2012 #askdushyant


Following a downpour in Gurgaon, chaos ensued in Greenwood City as the area became waterlogged within just two hours. The once serene streets transformed into a scene of disarray, with waterlogged roads and stranded vehicles creating a gridlock. Pedestrians waded through ankle-deep water, their frustration palpable as they struggled to navigate the flooded streets. The chaos was exacerbated by the lack of proper drainage infrastructure, leaving residents and commuters grappling with the aftermath of the heavy rainfall. As I witnessed the scenes of turmoil and inconvenience, I couldn't help but lament the city's unpreparedness for such weather events and the need for urgent measures to address the recurring issue of waterlogging in Greenwood City and beyond.#GreenwoodCity #Waterlogging #Chaos #Gurgaon #HeavyRainfall #UrbanInfrastructure #CityPreparedness

Published At:

September 4, 2012, 9:24 am


Green, wood, city, gurgan, after, hrs, of, rain, AskDushyant, NextStruggle, www.nextstruggle.com, Dushyant Gadewal, Memoir, India

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