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Exploring the Serenity: Bike Ride to the Great Stupa of Sanchi year 2009


Embarking on a bike ride to Sanchi, a tranquil village nestled in the heart of Madhya Pradesh, was a journey into the depths of history and spirituality. Located 46 km northeast of Bhopal, this small village holds immense significance as the site of several Buddhist monuments dating back to the third century BCE. As I pedaled through the picturesque landscapes, I marveled at the Toranas that adorned the Great Stupa, each symbolizing profound values of love, peace, trust, and courage. Commissioned by Emperor Ashoka the Great, the Great Stupa stands as a timeless testament to the rich Buddhist heritage of the region. Its simple yet majestic structure, crowned by the symbolic chatra, evokes a sense of reverence and awe. As I explored the surroundings, I couldn't help but feel the spiritual energy emanating from this sacred site, making the bike ride to Sanchi a journey of enlightenment and discovery.#AskDushyant #NextStruggle Explore my thoughtful experience blog : https://www.nextstruggle.com#SanchiStupaJourney #BuddhistPilgrimage #MadhyaPradeshBikeRide #GreatStupaSanchi #BikeRideAdventures #BuddhistHeritage

Published At:

November 10, 2009, 3:12 pm


sanchi, great stupa, sanchi sutpa, sutpa, ashoka, emperor ashoka, bhopal, road trip, dushyant, Raisen, Madhya Pradesh, Buddhist monuments, Stupa (Type Of Place Of Worship), AskDushyant, NextStruggle, www.nextstruggle.com, Dushyant Gadewal, Memoir, India

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