Home » AskDushyant Video Listing » Receiving My CSE B.Tech Degree NIT Rourkela Convocation Year 2006 #askdushyant

Receiving My CSE B.Tech Degree NIT Rourkela Convocation Year 2006 #askdushyant


The 2007 NIT Rourkela convocation was a day filled with excitement and energy as we gathered to receive our B.Tech degrees. The campus was buzzing with a mix of pride, joy, and nostalgia as classmates, friends, and families came together to celebrate this significant milestone. Me Dressed in our graduation robes, my name was called and degrees were handed out, my body filled the sense of accomplishment. It was a moment of closure and a gateway to new beginnings, as we stepped out as proud graduates, ready to take on the world.Explore further my Tech, Memoir, Social & Thoughtful life experience blog at https://www.NextStruggle.com On Telegram connect: @NextStruggleBot https://t.me/NextStruggleBot – Your direct line to #AskDushyant #NextStruggle#nitrourkela #nextstruggle #year2007 #Memoir #askdushyant

Published At:

October 1, 2024, 10:32 am


AskDushyant, NextStruggle, www.nextstruggle.com, Dushyant Gadewal, Memoir, India

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