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jaggery factory (guud) : Mera Gaon Mera Desh : India Year2015 #askdushyant


I’ve always enjoyed exploring different places of interest in my village, Mohad, Madhya Pradesh. One such place is a small jaggery factory that operates after the sugarcane harvest. In 2015, I had the chance to visit a relative's farm nearby with my cousin brother Monu, where this jaggery factory was built using traditional methods.They use a fire-powered system and large containers to produce molasses from sugarcane juice, which is then poured into molds to create 2-5 kg blocks of jaggery. These blocks are later packed according to the vendor’s requirements. I’ve loved visiting this place during my village stays because not only do we get to drink fresh sugarcane juice, but we also enjoy fresh molasses and organic, hand-crafted jaggery.Explore more of my thoughtful experience blog at Nextstruggle.com #askdushyant #nextstruggle #Year2015 #Jaggery #Mohad #MadhyaPradesh

Published At:

May 28, 2015, 10:33 pm


Mera Gaon Mera Desh (Film), Film (Media Genre), Jaggery, India (Country), Factory, Hindi, My village my country, AskDushyant, NextStruggle, www.nextstruggle.com, Dushyant Gadewal, Memoir, India

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