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Invest in Yourself: The Key to Early Retirement

Over a year now, I’ve had numerous people reach out to me, intrigued by my early retirement journey. They often ask for tips on generating regular income, managing daily expenses, and navigating the intricate web of financial decisions. Questions about real estate, stock investments, and part-time jobs abound, but as I’ve come to realize, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to these inquiries. Instead, it’s a journey paved with experiences, lessons, and a fundamental truth: Do what you Love and Love what you Do.

Remember Everybody is after your money

If you not born with a silver spoon like me, Then start grabbing whatever opportunity comes to you rather than become choosy. It was a humble beginning for me too after college, As you start earning everybody is after your money like buy insurance, money making schemes ..bla bla. I too get included in Rat Race, dabbled in real estate and the stock market, testing the waters and learning invaluable lessons along the way. I even explored part-time job opportunities to bolster my income. However, it became clear that while these endeavors provided financial very minimal gains short term, they often took a toll on finance, physical and mental health in long term.

Major Learning: Passion and Value Creation

Through these early experiences, I discovered a fundamental principle: do what you love and love what you do. If you find yourself facing financial shortfalls in your current situation, it’s essential to start embracing your current work and make yourself valuable to organization in corporate world. The key is to become a valuable asset in your field, allowing you to command better compensation. This shift in mindset not only alleviates financial constraints but also lays the groundwork for a fulfilling career.

Accumulating Surplus: Investing in Yourself

As you begin to accumulate a surplus of income, it’s crucial to invest in yourself. Acquire the skills and knowledge that align with your passions and interests. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of good health and family support, reminding us that everything else is a luxury. Use your surplus income to prepare yourself for a future where you can do what you love.

Safeguarding Your Wealth: Importance of Liquidity

Once you’ve accumulated a significant amount, it’s time to safeguard your wealth. Steer clear of unnecessary expenditures on investments like real estate or stocks market, which may not be readily convertible to cash. Instead, prioritize securing your loved ones’ future. You might begin by placing funds in a modest fixed deposit account that provides quarterly interest payouts. Maintaining liquidity is essential, as it affords you the flexibility to capitalize on opportunities as they emerge. Liquidity is key, as it provides you with the flexibility to seize opportunities when they arise.

Setting Targets

Now, set yourself a target, much like a career goal in a company. Give yourself a timeframe of at least 2-5 years. Invest wisely in yourself during this period, avoid unnecessary distractions, and stay focused on your objectives. Don’t let societal pressures dictate your decisions; remember, “log kya bolenge” (what will people say) is a common concern in Indian society. Give yourself the time and space to pursue your passion.

The Future Awaits: Motivation Through Experience

As you progress on your journey, the experiences you accumulate will become your greatest motivator. Whether you retire early or not, the knowledge and insights you gain will shape your financial decisions and outlook on life. Remember, it’s not about reaching the destination quickly; it’s about savoring the journey and relishing the learning experiences along the way.

Path to early retirement is not a straightforward one, and societal pressures often cloud our judgment. However, by investing in yourself, safeguarding your wealth, and setting clear targets, you can inch closer to the life you desire. Your experiences, both financial and personal, will become the building blocks of your future, paving the way for a more fulfilling and financially secure life. So, embark on this journey with determination, and let your passions guide you toward the financial freedom you deserve.


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