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Mastering Transactions: Best Practices for Optimal Performance

Building tech solutions for over 18 years, I have relentlessly demanded that our database team prioritize, efficient use of transactions to ensure data integrity and maintaining high-performance database systems. Poor transaction management can lead to resource locking, blocking, and even deadlocks, which hinder overall system performance. In this post, we’ll explore best practices for using transactions effectively, focusing on how to minimize transaction scope, batch updates, avoid deadlocks, and use savepoints, all while keeping performance top of mind.

1. Minimize Transaction Scope to Improve Performance

Keeping transactions short and concise is key to maximizing database performance. Long-running transactions lock resources, preventing other operations from proceeding. By committing transactions as soon as possible, you minimize lock contention and enhance system responsiveness.


Instead of locking rows for multiple operations, break them into smaller transactions.

-- Poor practice: Multiple operations within a single, long-running transaction
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 1;
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 2;
DELETE FROM transactions WHERE transaction_id = 5;

-- Improved practice: Shorter transactions with faster commits
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 1;

UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 2;

By reducing the scope of each transaction, you improve overall performance and reduce the risk of deadlocks.

2. Batch Updates for Efficiency

Performing individual INSERT or UPDATE operations leads to unnecessary round trips between the database and application. Batch processing multiple records in a single transaction minimizes overhead and boosts efficiency, particularly in high-traffic systems.

-- Poor practice: Multiple individual INSERT statements
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id, order_total) VALUES (1, 101, 500);
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id, order_total) VALUES (2, 102, 300);
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id, order_total) VALUES (3, 103, 450);

-- Improved practice: Batch INSERT operations for better performance
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, customer_id, order_total) VALUES 
(1, 101, 500),
(2, 102, 300),
(3, 103, 450);

Batching operations reduces the number of database round trips, resulting in faster execution and improved system performance.

3. Avoid Locks and Deadlocks with Proper Transaction Management

Transactions that run for too long or access resources in an inconsistent order can lead to deadlocks. A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions block each other by holding locks on resources that the other transactions need. Deadlocks force the database to terminate one of the transactions to break the cycle, which can result in lost work and system inefficiency.

Understanding Locks

When a transaction is processing, it locks the resources (like rows or tables) that it’s interacting with. Other transactions that try to modify the same locked resource must wait until the lock is released. If two transactions are waiting for each other to release locks, they enter a deadlock situation.

Common Causes of Deadlocks:
  • Long-running transactions: Holding locks for too long.
  • Accessing resources in different orders: If two transactions access the same resources in different sequences, they might end up waiting for each other.
  • Inefficient locking strategies: Poor locking strategies, such as locking entire tables rather than specific rows, can increase the risk of deadlocks.

How to Avoid Deadlocks:

I. Keep Transactions Short

Reducing the duration of transactions minimizes the amount of time resources are locked, lowering the chances of blocking or deadlocking. Always commit or roll back a transaction as soon as its work is done.

-- Inefficient: Multiple operations in a long-running transaction
UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;
-- Some business logic that takes time
UPDATE customers SET reward_points = reward_points + 10 WHERE customer_id = 101;

-- Improved: Shorter transactions
UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;

UPDATE customers SET reward_points = reward_points + 10 WHERE customer_id = 101;

By committing after each major operation, you release the locks held by the transaction sooner, preventing potential blocking.

II. Access Resources in a Consistent Order

When multiple transactions need to access the same resources, always ensure that they do so in the same order. This practice reduces the chances of deadlocks, as it prevents the situation where one transaction is waiting for a resource that another transaction has locked, while the other transaction is also waiting for the first transaction to release a different resource.

Example: Transaction 1 & Transaction 2, Access resource in different order.
-- Prone to deadlock: Transaction 1 accessing resources in different orders
Transaction 1: UPDATE customers SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE customer_id = 101;
Transaction 1: UPDATE orders SET status = 'processed' WHERE order_id = 1;
-- Prone to deadlock: Transaction 2 accessing resources in different orders
Transaction 2: UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;
Transaction 2: UPDATE customers SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE customer_id = 101;
-- Improved: Both transactions access resources in the same order
-- Transaction 1 accessing Customers then order
Transaction 1: UPDATE customers SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE customer_id = 101;
Transaction 1: UPDATE orders SET status = 'processed' WHERE order_id = 1;
-- Transaction 2 doing the same accessing Customers then order
Transaction 2: UPDATE customers SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE customer_id = 101;
Transaction 2: UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;

By enforcing a consistent order of access to resources, you ensure that transactions don’t end up waiting on each other, reducing the risk of deadlocks.

III. Use Appropriate Locking Strategies

Instead of locking entire tables, try to use row-level locking when possible. This limits the scope of locked resources and reduces the chances of blocking other transactions unnecessarily.

-- Poor practice: Locking an entire table
UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;

-- Improved practice: Locking only the necessary row
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_id = 1 FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE orders SET status = 'shipped' WHERE order_id = 1;

Using a more granular lock (FOR UPDATE on a specific row instead of locking the entire table) limits the impact of the transaction on other operations.

4. Use Savepoints for Complex Transactions

For more complex operations, breaking down the transaction into smaller steps using savepoints is a good practice. Savepoints allow you to partially roll back a transaction, rather than reverting everything, providing more granular control over error handling.


-- Step 1: Add to balance
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100 WHERE account_id = 1;

-- Step 2: Deduct from balance, with potential failure
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100 WHERE account_id = 2;

-- If step 2 fails, roll back only step 2


Savepoints allow finer control within transactions, making error handling easier while still preserving parts of successful operations.

My TechAdvice: Mastering the proper use of transactions is essential to maintaining database performance and ensuring data integrity. By minimizing transaction scope, batching operations, avoiding deadlocks, and leveraging savepoints, you can significantly enhance the efficiency of your system. Adopting these best practices will keep your database running smoothly, even as your data grows and workloads increase. Implement these strategies today for better-performing transactions and an optimized database environment.


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